The paper starts with a concise but meaningfulintroduction to one of the
most Important and crucial issues of Islamic theology and that is the
issue of the relationship between the Attribute, the word used for it and
the essence and then goes on to deal with the issue of the conception of
Sifaat e khabariya(Superficially Anthropomorphist Attributes of God)
between Ibn -e taimiya and the Theologians.
The paper furthermore inquires in to the methodological basis of the
unique view held by Ibn e Taimiya to explain the different positions held
by the Sunni theologians(Asharites and Maturidiites) in this regard and
goes on to establish the actual view of the Righteous Ancestors (Salf
us-saliheen) regarding the Sifaat e khabariya.
The paper also explains the difference between the actual view of the
Righteous Ancestors (Salf us-saliheen)and the view of Ibn e Taimiyaand
evaluates his claim of following the view of the Righteous Ancestors
(Salf us-saliheen) in this issue. In the end the Paper also inquiries
regarding using of such terminologies which are Anthropomorphist in
their surficial connotations and the view of sharia regarding their
Sayeed Ubaid Ullah Jameel . (2016 ) صفات جبریہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ابن تیمیہ اور علماء الکلام کے درمیان , Al Tafseer, Volume 27-28, Issue 2.
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