The article aims at exploring the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) with reference to opportunities and challenges for Pakistan. CPEC
was announced in April 2015 in order to improve the livelihood of the
natives of Pakistan and China by building up an economic corridor,
boosting up bilateral linkages, opening up new avenues for trade &
investment, encouraging people-to-people relations and framing regional
connectivity. Despite knowing the fact that CPEC is an expedient solution
to Pakistan’s major economic troubles, this corridor is criticized nationally
and internationally because of miscellaneous issues. In order to explore the
expected chances and challenges, the paper attempts to address certain
questions, for instances: What are the infrastructural benefits of CPEC for
Pakistan? How CPEC can be beneficial for the energy sector of Pakistan?
What chances it offers in the fields of science and technology? What will be
the significant economic achievement of CPEC for Pakistan? What are
major CPEC based national and international challenges to Pakistan and
how Pakistan can counter them? Answers to these questions will help to
understand the significance and achievements of CPEC for Pakistan.
Muhammad Ramzan Kolachi, Dr Ishrat Afshan Abbasi, Dr Amir Jan. (2018) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Opportunities and Challenges for Pakistan, Asia Pacific, Vol-36, Issue 1.
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