Humanism is a mul
-dimensional philosophy, it keeps very vast canvas; which not only covers human-being(s) from crea
on to culture, but the
discussion about the universe is also in its limits. The philosophy of Humanism
has had a long and notable history, with roots into the past and deep into the
life of wisdom and civiliza
ons. Humanism has had reputed representa
ves in
all the great na
ons and in their cultures. The philosophy of Humanism represents a specific and forthright view of the universe, the nature of human beings, and the treatment of human problems. First
me the term Humanist
came into common use in the early sixteenth century to delegate the scholars
of the European Renaissance. Humanism is a great philosophy, affable to this
modern age. As we are of views that humanism has had great representa
in all the great na
ons and cultures; so in Sindh the great sign and symbol of
humanism is Shah Abdul La
f Bhi,ai. Bhi,ai is unanimously accepted as the
greatest poet of Sindhi language. In this research ar
cle we have tried to excavate the roots of Humanism from pre-Greek era to modern even post modern
era, with special reference to notable scholars of different ages and cultures
including Shah Abdul La
f Bhi,ai. We have also tried to discuss and discover
the different modes of Humanis
c philosophy.
Dr. Sher Mehrani. (2015) شاہ لطیف جي شاعريءَ ۾ انسان دوستيءَ جو تصور, Kalachi, Volume 18 , Issue 2.
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