History of Urdu literary Criticism is treasured by “Tazkira’s”. Basically Tazkira means the book written on life and life events of poets. In this type of book the writer use to comment on the poet and his poetry as well. Author of Tazkira used critical hints and literary terms to express his critical views. These critical hints and literary terms are the initial treasure of classical Urdu criticism. The modern age of Urdu criticism bases upon this classical treasure of criticism.
This article explains the critical terms and hints regarding Urdu Ghazal. It also deals with the terminologies used by Urdu classic poets and authors. This article is helpful for the judgment of classical Urdu Ghazal and it also through light on the importance of critical hints given in tazkira’s.
ڈاکٹر جابر حسین. (2017) تذکروں میں تنقیدغزل :اشارات واصطلاحات, تحقیقی جریدہ, Volume 1, Issue 2.
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