The cultural diversity is a reality, which prevails everywhere in the educational world. In Distance Education Institutes, it is considered as acceptable truth for all stakeholders despite many advant ... Read More

Women have contributed to the diverse fields of engineering in modern and historical times. Women are often under-represented in the fields of engineering, both in academia and in the profession of en ... Read More

This is a pure qualitative research study based on the understanding of a Facilitator with the Psychology of Students and its impact on teaching and learning process. This research study was a qualita ... Read More

Distance Education is a form of education in which the course contents are delivered and the interactions are provided by the technologies and methodologies of the Internet and correspondence. This pa ... Read More

The paper identifies the reasons of ineffective implementation of distance learning programs in Pakistan. The distance learning programs are not new in Pakistan, but the induction of technology in the ... Read More

Present research focused to know the role of public sector universities in promoting higher education through distance education in Punjab, Pakistan was conducted to evaluate the support services like ... Read More

The common problem of the teacher education is the gap between what the student teachers know and how they use this knowledge in the real world situation. What strategies can be adopted to minimize th ... Read More

The paper presents the findings of a study about the role of Mobile Technology to create awareness about disaster Risk Reduction. A random and stratified sample of 20 schools and colleges of AJ&K and ... Read More

As the demand of open and distance learning approach is increasing day by day due to its flexible nature at the same time many researches reflect various challenges concerning this field. The study wa ... Read More

The study analyzed the mechanism of student support services of Allama Iqbal Open University and the Virtual University of Pakistan The objectives of the study were, to analyze student support mechani ... Read More