The common problem of the teacher education is the gap between what the student teachers know and how they use this knowledge in the real world situation. What strategies can be adopted to minimize this gap? Has been remained a core issue of the research studies at national and international level. The present study focus on to investigate the level of application and gaps between theoretical knowledge and professional practice as well as to develop strategies for bridging these gaps. Quantitative approach with concurrent triangulation design was used to conduct the study. Student teachers (n = 400) and teacher educators (n=were selected as sample through stratified sampling technique. Observation and questionnaires were adopted as instruments of the study. Overall, good and neither good nor poor level of application of the theoretical knowledge with considerable and significant gaps were identified. A significant difference was observed between the student teachers' perceptions and observation records of the researcher. The concepts of close collaborationamong teacher education institutions and practice schools, developing laboratory schools, reflective practices, extended duration of teaching practice, model lessons, proper adjustment of teaching practice in time table and strengthening the role of mentors were identified and recommended.

Muhammad Bilal, Asad Abbas Rizvi, Rehmat Shah Khattak. (2016) Theoretical Knowledge And Professional Practice In Teacher Education: Gaps At Application Level In Distance Education Pakistan, International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning, Volume-01, Issue-1.
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