This article aims to modify the mercy of The Arabic Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and being a Teacher of humanity from the perspective of his language and literature. It has been pointed out through ma ... Read More

To earn from legal sources is a fundamental principal of Islamic Economics. Many divine orders define it leaving no space for unlawful earnings from whatsoever means of income. The Halal earnings have ... Read More

he methodology of Imam Al Daraqutni in the analysis of the sunnah in the book of "al Gharaib wal Afraad" Al-tafarrud’ is one of the subtle, deep and the most problematic field of “ilm al ilal’.And the ... Read More

There were many great teachers in the world. Prophets and founders of other religions and philosophers have also been passed. The teacher of Islam Hazrat Muhammad started a successful campaign as a te ... Read More

Islam placed a high value on character building of an individual. The lifestyle of a human being is closely bound with ethical values unlike other organisms living on this planet. This highlights the ... Read More

God has made the personality of the holy prophet as an example for us where he has bestowed prophet hood on the holy prophet there the start of first revelation with ''Read'' indicates the importance ... Read More

The present Article is the analytical study of the objections of orientalist on the family life of prophet (P.B.U.H). And the research findings delineate that their objections are based on mendacity. ... Read More

Trade is a means of livelihood that creates a mutual connection between society and economy. Existence of Trade is important to meet the necessities of human lives. History shows that there have been ... Read More

Islam is the religion of peace. Over billions of people around the world are followers of Islam. There can be no greater argument supporting Islam as a religion of peace than the name of the religion ... Read More

Abdul-Raḥmān ibn Abī Bakr ibn Muḥammad Jalāl al-Dīn Suyūṭī: 1445–1505 AD) Al-Suyuti was born on 3 October 1445 AD (1 Rajab 849 AH) in Cairo, Egypt. His mother was Circassian. And his father was of Per ... مزید پڑھیں

This paper highlights the importance of understanding (i) the features, risks and practical implications of modes of financing used by Islamic banks and, (ii) the business model of the customer in ord ... Read More

Freedom of expression is a new and little bit combative phenomenon in Islamic context, but we find enjoying equal importance in the contemporary Islamic and the Western sociopolitical context. Althou ... Read More

Islam is a religion of love and peace, which teaches its followers to live in amicable and harmonious relationship with non-Muslims. Its policies of coexistence and cooperation with people of other re ... Read More

Islam is the religion of peace that gives prime importance to equality and justice. It is evident from the known human history that peace is the byproduct of these two concepts. Every culture and soci ... Read More

Great leadership is unique form of art, requiring both force and vision to an extraordinary degree. The attribute of leadership has been sought far more than any other attribute. Some view it as a gif ... Read More

The Life History of “Al-Balazri”, His Personality and His landmark services in the history of Arabia generally and History of Islam and other Muslim countries particularly are enlightened in this pape ... Read More

Prison is a term used for a place where criminals and accused are kept. Every human society needs it to be limited. Literature of prison can be defined as literary works which reveal horrors and suffe ... Read More

Islam being a perfect religion covers all spheres of human life: social, political and economics. It provides guidance in every field of life, so that people would find it helpful in their daily affai ... Read More

This article is about Narrations of interpretation in the history of Damascus compared to the books of interpretation with the Hadith. It has been tried to discuss the methodology of Ibn-e-A’sakir in ... Read More

There is no doubt that qur’anic interrogation is an important device which cures human psyche and the situations that human bring live with what it holds of meaning and significances. Therefore، the s ... Read More

Abu Al-Hassan Al-Nadawi is considered one of the most famous Muslim scholars in India, he has many writings and contributions in Islamic thoughts, he travelled extensively to various parts of the wor ... Read More

The study of the Sunnah is better among the all studies, pure and full of rewards, this knowledge explains us the aim of Almighty Allah which is revealed in Quran. In the knowledge of Hadith, the (ill ... Read More

As regard to the concern of Islam, it has awarded most perfect and balanced rights to both women and men according to their build and structure and has determined the Fraiaz (duties) and Wajibats (imp ... Read More

There is an important role of parents in the birth of a human being. Parents are the biggest protector and upbringing of all human life, from birth to upbringing. Parents make great sacrifices for the ... Read More

Islamic banking was re-launched in Pakistan in 2002-03. since then, Islamic banking has flourished in the country by grabbing significant portion from its conventional counterpart. In this phase, as r ... Read More

There is a clear and very absolute concept of Halal and Haram in Islam. Allah almighty has guided humans in this regard in detail. The meat is that’s why either Halal or Haram, lawful or forbidden. So ... Read More

Islam is complete code of life. The importance of marriage for the survival of the family has been highlighted in the Holy Shari'ah, which is the last link of the heavenly religions, and instead its i ... Read More

Sufism actually is a name of a way of kindness and virtue. This path can be acquired by a person who has Book of Allah in one hand and Sunnah of Messenger of Allah PBUH in another. Book of Allah and ... Read More

Human rights are such an important part of social life that no one (personal or state) can ignore them. Human rights are the rights that a person acquires in a society by virtue of being a human being ... Read More

This article will discuss the gold and the silver are the main currency for dealing with, by means of their importance is little much we know about. Interest’s Reasons will be expressed with detail in ... Read More

An intensive analysis of the situation and the study of the ground realities are presented in this research. The review presents the output of the research effects of undermining the whole democratic ... Read More

A man is thought to be as a social animal. Humans like to live collectively in towns and cities. Naturally, when people live jointly, they have difference to each other on different issues. In civiliz ... Read More

1 Habibia Islamicus Vol.03Issue:01 (2019)Effects of Socialization...of Al-Suffah Islamic Uni...111A COMPARATIVE STUDY RELATED TO THE EFFECTS OF SOCIALIZATION AND SOCIAL NETWORKS ON THE STUDENTS OF ... Read More

Islam has provided all the rights to Children. They need support and care from both parents because with parents they grow positively in the society. Parents have full right over their children due to ... Read More

When we talk about peace and stability, Islam comes into mind. Islam is what defined the true meaning of peace to mankind. Hence, the world and universe could benefit from the infinite compassion and ... Read More

This study is to find out the solution of anomalies found and reported by some organizations, in the feedbacks of internee’s in regard to the misbehavior and unethical attitudes observed during their ... Read More

We have chosen the article of AL Qur’an and last aspect of this article about the translation of the holy Qur’an for review critically the conflicting views written by J.D. Pearson, which had been pub ... Read More

The knowledge of Intelligence/spying is part of the secret branches of knowledge. Intelligence is the name of true and authentic information the acquisition of which is not possible generally without ... Read More

This paper focuses on Emperor Akbar's innovation and promotion of a new religion "Din-i Ilahi” that was, according to the Muslim orthodox, against the basic canons of Islamic scriptural message. Akbar ... Read More

When Jacques Chirac proclaimed that “Wearing a veil…is a sort of aggression,” he was reflecting not only the French association of the veil with radical Islamism, but a history of racist attitudes tow ... Read More

The purpose of this paper is to examine the interdependence between stock markets of Islamic Asian Emerging economies & the Chinese stock market. This study uses monthly time series data and to examin ... Read More