This paper presents a new topology of a diodebased Sub-harmonically pumped resistive mixer (SHPRM) for millimeter waves with a focus on free band available around 60 GHz. In this topology, a local o ... Read More

—The Sliding and Integral Sliding Mode control design anticipated to handle out the crosscoupling effects in a twin rotor system. These crosscoupling effects lead to tainted act during precise maneu ... Read More

The “Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems” (CCSDS) has recommended an image data compression standard: CCSDS 122.0-B-1, to be used onboard space data systems. This research presents the al ... Read More

Traffic is one of the most important sources of high pollution levels in major cities of Pakistan and therefore the population is prone to high exposure in the ambient environment. Formaldehyde (HC ... Read More

Karachi, a metropolitan city, is facing rapid population growth causing environmental, social and economic stresses and challenges. Beside planned development, unplanned urbanization, urban slums, ... Read More

Global positioning system (GPS) observables can be used to compute the orbits of low earth orbiting (LEO) satellites using kinematic approach. Data from GPS receiver, installed onboard the LEO sate ... Read More

Wide scale use of fossil fuels in agriculture, transportation, industries and other sectors are not only creating global environmental problems but are also depleting natural resources of energy. I ... Read More

Repetitive dengue fever outbreaks in Pakistan have brought major concerns to the government authorities to control this mosquito borne disease. Although dengue cases are reported in many cities of ... Read More

In a multi user communication environment such as communication satellites, inter-channel isolation is provided by channelizing/multiplexing networks that splits composite wideband signal into vari ... Read More

Accelerated life testing (ALT) of batteries is performed to estimate the number of life cycles a battery can withstand in any mission fulfilling the mission power requirements. This test is destruc ... Read More

This paper explores the subject of interference suppression for the reliable use of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). The range of applications of GNSS stretch from commercial use like su ... Read More

Optimization of bandwidth and power according to bit error rate and energy per bit requirement is a basic requirement for any service provider and customer. Quality of service (QoS) is more influen ... Read More

River channels tend to modify and migrate due to both anthropogenic influences and continuous natural changes in environment, so can be subsequently lead to catastrophic effects in case of floods. ... Read More

The payloads being the principle performance drivers for a satellite, must work properly throughout the lifetime of a satellite to ensure space mission success. An onboard Payload Processing Unit ( ... Read More

—a wireless sensor network is composed of tiny sensor nodes. Each sensor node is battery operated and has limited capacity for specific number of transmission rounds. In some applications of sensor ... Read More