This study explores transitivity in the novel “To the Lighthouse” (1927) by Virginia Woolfas one of the methods of clause analysis in the ideational meta-function of language. The tran ... Read More

Modern technology has undoubtedlychanged the way we communicate. Emoji is the latest development that crosses all language barriers and serves as a global language.The present ... Read More

During the Elizabethan Age, the Machiavellian character developed to become one of the key dramatic types: a rogueand a pitilesscalculator. Edward Meyer, in his Machiavelli and the Elizabethan Drama,i ... Read More

This paper aims at exploring the symptoms of Electra complex in Benazir Bhutto through her autobiography Daughter of the East(1988). As developed by Freud, psychoanalysis provid ... Read More

Cultural hegemony has been widely discussed within the field of Translation Studies. However, few scholars proposed a method of political action to erase the thumbprint of hege ... Read More


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