It is a recognized fact that the proverbs are generally the quintessence of peoples’ collective wisdom. A proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses the t ... Read More

Elegy is one of the most important diction of balochi poetic writing.Seemuk is the first poet in balochi literature whose entire poetry reports elegiac on the death of her beloved natha. Seemuk is ... Read More

Munir Ahmed Badeni is one of best fiction writers of Balochistan. He has written more then hundred novels and a considerable number of short stories in Baloch literature. Munir Ahmad Badeni, got f ... Read More

Nimatullah Gichki is one of the prominent short story writers in Balochi literature and he is also considered an eminnet progressive writer. Niamatulla is considered to be one of the pioneers of Ba ... Read More

In the ancient times people were lived together with the same civilization, culture, society and nature. Primarily, the stories were created and told by them and the stories came from one person to ... Read More

This paper is based on the etymological study of the word “payáp”, which was first time used in the poetry of Mullah Fazil. Afterall, different poets used it in different meanings. In this paper, i ... Read More

This paper demonstrates a comparative study of the poetical works of contemporary poets’ e.g Jám Durrak, Mulla Fázil and Tawkali Mast. The main themes covered in this paper are comparative study of ... Read More

Language is a medium or tool which differenciates between the human beings and animal. Human beings can think comprehencely and express his/her thoughts, but the animals can not. Balochi, as a mot ... Read More

The Novel “Man mirán ke tao bimir” is a symoblic Novel. The descriptive technique has been used to compose this novel, but the characters are still suspecious. This Novel encirles the two character ... Read More

According to the Ministry of Planning, Development, and Reform (2016),”nearly 39% of Pakistani live in multidimensional poverty with highest rates in Federally Administration Tribal Areas (FATA) an ... Read More

The Balochi is considered to be one of the archaic languages in the Iranian region. It has sustained its morphological structure, but because of passage of time and contact with Iranian and south A ... Read More

Marriage is unavoidable for most women of reproductive age in rural Balochistan. The twenty women from four villages informing this ethnographic sociological study that examines contemporary perspe ... Read More

Jirga system has been one of the most important elements of the Baloch society for sixteenth century. The social and political problems had been solved by the Jirga. This article reflects the socio ... Read More

The present study lies in the field of Onomastic, with specific exploration of the prevalence of Ethnonyms that deals with the mention of ethnicity as a suffix to the first name through naming prac ... Read More

The objective of the study is to investigate the women empowerment through small ruminants' rearing activities pertaining to Pashtun and Baloch tribal culture of Balochistan. Random sampling techniq ... Read More