The Companions of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Peace Be upon Him learned Hadith from Him and narrated it to the next generations with honesty and trustworthiness. Their integrity and sincerity for ... Read More

Pakistan is an Islamic democratic state wherein the enactment of Islamic system is utmost necessary. Kafalat (social security) is one of its parts where it is required to look after the orphans, wi ... Read More

Islam is a complete code of life. It provides us with dynamic rules and regulations to lead a perfect, prosperous ideal life. The social system of Islam is abided by certain rules and rights for ea ... Read More

Islam is a religion that gives the message of love and peace. It wants its followers to live in peace and harmony in the world along with people of other religions and assist each other in making t ... Read More

Islam is the only Dīn accepted in the sight of AlMighty God. Whatever was preached, taught and conveyed by all prophets of Allah in different ages that was Islam. But the message was culminated and ... Read More

When the creator of this universe sent down the Adam’s family to earth with this command that “There should definitely come up to you the guidance from me, then whosoever follows my guidance, then ... Read More

In Islamic tradition the idea if Social welfare has been presented as one its principal value and the practice of social service as its various forms has been instructed and encouraged. A Muslim’s ... Read More

Allah commanded the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم (to inform the people in the following way: O' my people, do you see whether I am on the (right) reason from my Lord Who provided me with th ... Read More

Since the beginning of awareness, humans have looked for ways to search for their existence as an individual. Sufism is considered as the most accepted religious pathway to seek the realization of ... Read More


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