This book is written by a couple, very eminent economists and both have won Noble Prize of Economics in 2019 for their excellent exposition of unrelenting global economic problems, addressing issues p ... Read More

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), which emerged as one of the largest parties at the Federal level as well as in Punjab (due to which it formed coalition Governments) and the majority party in K.P.K., ... Read More

Beginning of the twenty-first century has seen the Quality Assurance in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) turn into a frequent topic of discourse on an international scale as well as on a nationa ... Read More

Volatility in financial markets is a highly explored area of research for the last few decades. Possible reasons for high concentration on the markets are its unexplained and unexplored sources. The p ... Read More

In this study, we examine what does determine children’s decisions regarding schooling, work, and idleness in rural areas of Pakistan. In particular, we are interested in looking at the effect of chil ... Read More

This study presents the insightful and comprehensive empirical evidence on the impact of income and institutional governance on climate change based on panel data of 203 countries for time series of 1 ... Read More

Women empowerment has its significance for the economic and social development of countries; specifically, women empowerment is rendered important for child health. Child health being part of sustaina ... Read More

The study has assessed the welfare impacts of unconditional cash transfers of Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) by using impact evaluation panel surveys, conducted in 2011 (baseline) and 2016 ( ... Read More

The Just-in-Time manufacturing philosophy appears to be the most effective remedy to reduce income disparities in countries where majority of people are young, energetic and looking for job to earn re ... Read More

The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of inflation targeting strategy on monetary policy transmission mechanism by estimating the impact of deposit rate on consumption to GDP ratio ... Read More

This study discusses the impact of fiscal decentralisation on economic growth to have an indepth analysis of different policies that are in practice for decentralisation. This study makes it obvious ... Read More

This study is an attempt to investigate the impact of concentrated ownership on the growth of the manufacturing firms listed at Pakistan Stock Exchange for the data 2006-2016. A number of panel data ... Read More

Thisstudy contributesto the empirical literature on regional economic performance by analyzing the role of political institutions in explaining economic growth of selected South Asian economies. The ... Read More

This paper aims to investigate the long-run and short-run dynamics of important determinants of child labor at macroeconomic level in the case of Pakistan. The import distinction of this paper is th ... Read More

This study empirically investigates the dynamic relationship between global oil price fluctuations and industrial sector of Pakistan for the time period 1974-2015 by employing an Autoregressive Distri ... Read More