This study investigates the factors that influence the growth rate of firms in Nigeria with a sample of 94 publicly listed firms during the period 1994-2005. The theoretical/analytical framework reste ... Read More

This paper attempts to evaluate impact of major factors affecting prices of seed cotton in district Khanewal using primary source of data. A representative sample of 40 cotton farmers was selected usi ... Read More

There has been significant investment in shares market in Nigeria in recent years. This paper investigates the factors that have influenced the share investment decisions of a sample of 2000 Nigerian ... Read More

This study estimates a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) that incorporates the linkages among the agriculture, industry, construction, transport, storage and communication and service sectors for B ... Read More

The role of productivity in accelerating the pace of economic growth is well recognized in the literature. With continual population growth, a diminishing supply of arable land, limits to further expa ... Read More

For many decades, pesticide (insecticide, fungicide and weedicide) and fertilizers have played an imperative role in improving agricultural productivity, but their adverse affects on the sustainabilit ... Read More