This paper examines stock returns volatility in the Pakistani equity market. Using daily stock prices of 36 companies, 8 sector indices, and a market index, the AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroscedas ... Read More

Engendering Development: Through gender equality in rights resources, and voice, (Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. xx + 364, n/p. This World Bank piece is a timely publication in the sense that i ... Read More

Using a three-gap simulation model this paper shows that the privatization sale of public assets to domestic investors can ease the burden of domestic public borrowing and debt but it has no effect on ... Read More

This study decomposes major price indices in Pakistan int() permanent and transitory comporlerors using the Beveridge and Nelson (1981) methodology. The results show that most of the price variations ... Read More

Data on cotton farmers is analysed using a stochastic frontier production function model, in which technical inefficiency effects are assumed to be a function of other observable variables related to ... Read More