The contemporary era is one of urbanisation. This increased pace of urbanisation has led to a deterioration of the urban environment. Basic Needs and the Urban Poor: The Provision of Communal Services ... Read More

This book intelligently reviews Pakistan’s economic performance in the three decades, 1950s through 1970s. The editors, Shahid Javed Burki and Robert Laporte, Jr., have set the major themes of the wor ... Read More

The paper examines the impact of price and non-price factors relating to internal supply and external demand on India’s exports. The constant-market-share model has been adopted to examine the problem ... Read More

In many less developed nations, agricultural production is becoming more and more capital intensive. Some attribute this increased capital intensity to distortions in factor input prices. In this shor ... Read More

This paper sets up general equilibrium model of building heights, which can be used for determining the short- and long-run optimal (profit maximizing) heights at various locations in a city in the pr ... Read More

This paper is a study of the residential property tax in Karachi. It studies differences between assessment values and market values of properties and investigates whether these differences in the two ... Read More

The main theme of this book, as depicted by its title, is analysis of data. As far as one may recall, this book is perhaps the only one of its kind to appear on the subject of data analysis with parti ... Read More

As the feudal mode of production is increasingly replaced by capitalism in Pakistan, and as industrialisation increases, a spate of books and theses have appeared on the scene which look at various as ... Read More

A dynamic flow-adjustment model is used to estimate income and price elasticities of gasoline demand by OLS and GLS methods. The income elasticity is an important determinant of gasoline demand in Pak ... Read More

This paper suggests that the export performance of Pakistan can be well analyzed by considering both supply and demand sides simultaneously. Following Goldstein and Khan (1978) we formulate a simultan ... Read More

The purpose of this paper is to identify and establish the contribution of the major sources of overall productivity growth to Pakistan’s agriculture. The paper concentrates on the role of research an ... Read More

This paper analyses the impact of fiscal incentives on industrialization of backward regions with particular reference to Hub Chowki in Baluchistan. The approach employed is to compare the Net Present ... Read More