مقالے کی قسم

Muslim Feminists and Reinterpretations of Quranic Commandments: Study of Objectives and Methodologies

Determining women's rights and their place in society had been a challenging task in human history. Islam has provided a solution to this debate in its divine teachings by encompassing multiple aspects of human needs, such as the legal boundaries, conduct and respect. Islam offers a comprehensive solution to the issue of women rights, which is based on justice and equality. The history of women rights movement is formally originated and deeply rooted in the West. In Muslim societies, women rights movement is understood as an imported thought from Western societies. Since it was not easy to incorporate this Western thought in the fundamental source of Islamic education, so activist women from some Muslim societies adopted a way to reinterpret the divine text of Islam by labeling it as “centuries-old scholarly asset” or "male-biased (misogyny)" explanations. On their self-originated plea, they rejected it; instead of understanding it in true sense. In Islam, we have all the set principles of explanation, eligibility and criteria to be the elaborator of Quran. In this scenario, Muslim Feminist scholars’ research provides self-crafted Quranic interpretations to incorporate them with Western thoughts and demands which are contradictory to the original context of Quranic interpretations. The current study relates to the factors and motives of the scholarly works of Muslim feminist women Fatima Mernissi and Asma Barlas of interpreting Quranic text related to women. The impact of their efforts, as well as methodology of this published work is also provided in this study. Concluding our study, our findings about these self-crafted Quranic interpretations are that these are not harmonious to the general attitude of Islam, so the overall Muslim thought is not ready to accept them.

Dr. Asia Shabbir, Dr. Mohsina Munir. (2020) مسلم فیمی نسٹ خواتین اورنصوص کی تعبیرنو:محرکات اور منہج کا مطالعہ, Al-Qalam, Volume 25, Issue 1.
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