مقالے کی قسم

“Mamurah” was of great importance due to its history and antiquity. Since the prehistoric time, it had always been an attractive city for the people. The ancientness of this city can be conceptualized by the fact that some portions of the ancient religious texts like “Rig-Veda” was written around the rivers of Multan. It is believed that Rig-Veda was compiled between 1500 - 1000 BC. Mamurah was an important and historic city before Christ. It was center of great civilizations since that time. It has different Names by different Rulers. One of them was “Mulistan”. Krishna’s son Sanbha was a worshiper of sun deity. He installed a huge golden idol of Mathra in the city, due to this idol, the city started to be called as “Mulisthan”, means Maula’s temple. Muhammad Bin Qasim concurred Mulistan and change Its Name and called “Mamurah”. By the passage of time, The Ruler renamed it. When this name became the part of common people’s discourse, it got different shapes as Moultan or Multan. Now It is called “the City of Saints”. The famous writer and GEOGRAPHIAN Masaudi came here in 302H/915, Al - Istakhri 342H/951 and Ibn-e-Mukal 370H/980 came here and they gave detail in their SAFARNAMA the detail about this Golden Statue. This Paper attempts to highlight the introduction of Mamurah, Its Historical background, Its different names, Its Civilizations, Its History from before Chrise to uptill now. It consists finaly the Quotes of various advocates of this theology. This Paper point out specially their Peak and down times. It covers number of Historians, Like Al – Bairuni, Al – Masoodi, Al - Bashari Al – Maqdsi, Alexander and many others whose puotes and views are put to light.

Dr.Shabana Nazar. (2020) رحلة المعمورة التاريخية, Al-Qalam, Volume 25, Issue 1.
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