مقالے کی قسم
تاریخِ موصولہ
تاریخِ قبولیت

Sources of Quranic Narrates of Syda Mariam (AS): A Critical Analysis of Orientalistic Approach Origin of the Qur’ᾱnic narrates towards Mariam Virgin (AS) has broadly been under debate in orientalist studies. Orientalist, in general, have had the opinion that Qur’ᾱnic stories of virgin Mariam were not the divine revelation; these are plagiarized and utilized from Christian apocryphal sources and literature like Arabic Gospel of infancy and Protoevangelium of James. This research paper’s questions were that according to Orientalist: is it true that the sources of Qur’ᾱnic Stories of Mariam (AS) are plagiarized from apocryphal Christian literature and Quran has done mistake about name of Mariam (AS)'s father and brother. This research is historical and textual. In conclusion, if anyone who has sincerely studied dating apocryphal literature and its dating should be able to see that his sincerity negates taking data for making Qur'ᾱnic narrates towards virgin Mariam (AS) from Christian apocryphal impacts upon Qur'ᾱnic narrate and also this paper shows that Christian developed their apocryphal literature after revelation of Quran.

Muhammad Tayyab Usmani. (2019) قرآنی قصص مریم علیھا السلام کا ماخذ: استشراقی رجحانات کا تنقیدی جائزہ, Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought, Volume 1, Issue 1.
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