مقالے کی قسم

The study explores that how intertextuality is used to put certain effects on the readers and attract them to buy that particular products. The main goal of advertising is to gain readers’ trust and interest positively. This is achieved through such advertisements which appeal to the readers. Sillars (1991, p. 35-63) has explained that the effects are gained when the advertisement and the reader share the knowledge. The study is qualitative in nature and CDA, discourse practice analysis model is applied to conduct the research study. Six different advertisements are used from different newspapers to analyze and to illustrate the functionality of intertextuality. The results of the study are that when advertisements are relevant to the identity of the society, it creates curiosity in the reader to buy it. Thus intertextuality is very effective tool in the selling of products.

Akhtar Ali, Ayesha Aslam. (2016) Intertextuality: An Effective Tool in Selling Products Through Advertisements, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-23, Issue-2.
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