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The Turkish race has a rich history. The legacy of their rule and dominance could be traced in many parts of Asia, including the Hazara regions, currently located in Pakistan. However, many people, ... Read More

This qualitative study aimed at investigating the perceptions of university teachers concerning Bachelor of Studies (BS) program at the University of Peshawar. Teachers of twenty disciplines from fa ... Read More

The main purpose of this study was to explore the impact of parental involvement on children’s education. For student learning not only teachers are responsible, but their parents as well, this rese ... Read More

This descriptive study was carried out in six districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Province. The focus of the study was on analysing the causes of education quality deterioration at the secondary sc ... Read More

This quantitative study aimed at investigating the availability of psychosocial guidance and counseling services in secondary schools of district Haripur. The main objectives of the study were to in ... Read More

The study adds a great deal of understanding about the use of social media for political purpose. The current review paper brings to the knowledge that the consumption of social media for news stimu ... Read More

This study aims at analyzing the determinants of individual‟s happiness in Pakistan. However, this kind of research is hardly undertaken in Pakistan. The present study is first of its kind in Pakist ... Read More

Communication and language policies have far-reaching educational, economic, and political effects. In multiethnic countries, like Pakistan, language policies can determine who has access to schools ... Read More

Probably determined ascent in value levels antagonistically influences the financial execution of any nation. The objective of every last Government is to keep up low and moderately stable levels of ... Read More

The present study was conducted to find the relationship of different levels of socioeconomic status in managing the academic achievement of their children at secondary level. The objectives of the ... Read More

The study explores that how intertextuality is used to put certain effects on the readers and attract them to buy that particular products. The main goal of advertising is to gain readers’ trust and ... Read More

Children and adolescents, remained victim of abuse, are at risk of problem behaviors. The objective of the study was to investigate adolescents’ experiences of physically abusive parenting and assoc ... Read More

This mixed method research explores the socio-economic dynamics contributing to intellectual disability (ID) among children. It is generally believed that ID in children is caused by genetic, biolog ... Read More

Training facilitates learning of the required innovative skills that further assist workers to grow professionally. However, who needs training is an important question for organizational authoritie ... Read More

Active participation of women in political process is one of the key indicators of women empowerment. It has been observed that despite the 33% quota reserved for women in the local government syste ... Read More

Social capital theorists have struggled for establishing a practicable perspective in policy and development realm. No doubt, the concept has proved its potential in offering promising prospects; ho ... Read More

By the end of Nineteenth Century there was no well renowned female writer in the world of Urdu Literature, only few female writers were in the picture, but not active enough to be counted as an asse ... Read More

Victorian society laid much emphasis on the moral righteousness of women and therefore expected of woman to be an Ideal Woman. The Victorians made proper arrangements of education and tutoring to in ... Read More

Majority of Pakistani TV commercials debase women and objectify them as intellectually retard oriented in lookism. The commodification of women invalidates the modus operandi of modern feminism whic ... Read More

The story of suppressed and subjugated finds voices for advocating its cause in the ideology of Marxism which pleads their case by rejecting and refusing the power, control and might of bourgeoisie ... Read More

The exponents of imagism claim to be objective in their poetry, creating images that are detached and free from sentimentality. They do not agree with the narrative "I" that is a connection between ... Read More

This paper explores the presence of one of the integrals of Derrida’s différance i.e. ‘to differ’ or dissolving the boundaries from the theme and textual techniques of Michael Ondaatje’s selected po ... Read More

The present paper traces the revival of Islamic calligraphy in Pakistan through the zealous pen and brush of the Sufi Artist Sadequain. Islamic Calligraphy originated as an Arabic script to preserve ... Read More

The study examines the relationship between stock price and earnings-per-share for firms listed on the Karachi Stock Market (KSE) of Pakistan. The paper explores the phenomena of mean reversion whic ... Read More

Stock market prediction is among the significant factors determining the decision to invest in the stock market. The motive of earning more and getting maximum profits from the investments in the st ... Read More

The major purpose of present research was to study the impact of labeling on adolescents personality. This research was carried out on three hundred adolescent girls and boys with age ranging betwee ... Read More

This study was designed to explore the effect of parental involvement on academic achievement of students at the secondary level. The study aimed to explore the impact of three aspects of parental i ... Read More

Employees are assets for an organization and to keep them committed to their workplace is a major challenge faced by many organizations. This study attempts to examine the impact of perceived organi ... Read More

The purpose of this study was to analyze the attitudes/opinions of lecturers and students of University Teaching Department and colleges of Physical Education towards curriculum of physical educatio ... Read More

Education of children is must for the development of healthy nation and society. In many underdeveloped countries children are sent to work instead of going to school. Their earnings add to family i ... Read More

According to the 3rd June Plan of 1947, two important Muslim majority provinces of the British India i.e. Punjab and Bengal were also to be divided along with the division of the Indian Sub-continen ... Read More

Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) has been doing wonders for more than half of the century in every walk of life all around the globe. Though West has explored it in its maximum extents, ... Read More

Due to its accommodative labor market and scores of employment opportunities, Saudi Arabia is one of the prime destinations for international migrant workers from Asia and Africa. However, its migra ... Read More

The institution of family switched over to many forms in its adaptation sojourn to the emerging needs. More and more families nuclearize in response to the demand of globalization in Pakistan. Movem ... Read More

No nation can achieve economic development in isolation; cross border trade is needed for this purpose. The transportation sector plays a strong role in national and regional development, and has st ... Read More

leadership to rethink the way of work by challenging current practices and designing a vigorous system aligned with the standards of internationally recognised best practices. The healthcare leaders ... Read More

Globally, madrassas have become a key focus of researchers and scholars to identify and locate their socio-educational role and responsibility. In the context of Pakistan, majority of the studies ho ... Read More

The article presents a critical review of VoA Deewa Radio, a Pashto language radio started by the US following the Afghan war in the year 2001 to combat the Taliban ideological propaganda in the Af- ... Read More

This study explores the factors that drive foreign direct investment (FDI) to India, China, Brazil, South Africa and Russia that are called as “BRICS” collectively. Employing random effect panel est ... Read More

This research paper draws on the official stand of Pakistan after the killing of Osama bin Laden in Operation ‘Neptune Spear’ in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Bin Laden’s death was one of the historic event ... Read More

This article presents a review of the experiences of inequality and discrimination that most women in Pakistan face in accessing important societal resources such as education, paid work and politic ... Read More

This research studies the function of language of online fashion blogs through 1 st dimension, i.e., involved versus informational production, of multidimensional analysis modeled by Biber (1988). ... Read More

The mind-blowing confession and the subsequent recantation is a hard riddle to solve in Shaw’s Saint Joan. The scene has already been dealt with in detail, but, to our knowledge, very little has bee ... Read More

Critical Race Theory emerged in the mid-1970s and has its origins in the Legal Critical Studies and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s in the U.S. Legal scholars scrutinized how law upheld the w ... Read More