مقالے کی قسم

This descriptive study was carried out in six districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Province. The focus of the study was on analysing the causes of education quality deterioration at the secondary school level in KP. Of the purposively selected study population of 1006 secondary school teachers and 20676 students of 9th and 10th grades, the sample included 302 (30%) teachers and 6203 (30%) students. Two self-constructed opinionnaires containing 45 items each were used for gathering data from the teachers and students. This paper focuses on discussing students’ perspectives on the causes of quality of education issues at the secondary school level. The main findings of the study are that deterioration of quality at the secondary school level is due to in-adequate mechanism of monitoring and supervision, defective examination system, lack of needed infrastructural and physical facilities, over-crowded classrooms, shortage of qualified teaching staff, un-warranted political interference, obsolete teaching methodologies and lack of modern instructional facilities. Some crucial indicators for quality improvement are appointment of competent teaching staff, proper training of teachers and principals, and provision of infrastructural and instructional facilities.

Mohammad Javed, Syed Munir Ahmad, Mohammad Iqbal. (2016) Causes of Education Quality Deterioration in Secondary Education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-23, Issue-2.
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