مقالے کی قسم

Objective: To evaluate the incidence and consequences in a uterine rupture in one previous versus two previous caesarean section. Methodology: This study was a prospective descriptive study carried out in obstetric and gynaecology department of Abbas Institute Of Medical Sciences, Muzaffarabad, affiliated with Azad Jammu and Kashmir Medical College from 1st June 2016 to 31st May 2018. All patients with history of previous one and previous two caesarean sections of any parity, gestation of 28 weeks and onwards in labour were included. All the data including age, booking status of the patient, period of gestation, number of previous caesarean sections and maternal and fetal complications were recorded on predesigned performa. Results: A total of 116 women in labour were enrolled in this study. 48 (41.38 %) had one previous lower segment caesarean section and 68 (58.62 %) had two previous caesarean section. 21 (18.1 %) patients had uterine rupture and 95 (81.9 %) had intact uterus. Out of 21 patients, 6 (12.5 %) had uterine rupture with one previous caesarean section and 15 (22 %) patients had uterine rupture with two previous caesarean section. Mean age of the sample was 27.3 ± 4.4 years. Uterine rupture with two previous caesarean sections were more in older age group. On grouping the patients into booked and unbooked status, we found that booked cases contributed 31 (26.72 %) while unbooked cases contributed as 85 (73.28 %) of total sample of 116 patients. Conclusion: Uterine rupture in one population is still very high and is commonly seen in older women and women with a lack of antenatal care. Antenatal education is vital to reduce this lethal complication. Proper antenatal care, health education and utilization of health facilities is needed.

Seemab Zafar, Misbah Shakeel, Shakeel Ahmed Faiz. (2019) Uterine Rupture in Previous One vs Previous Two Caesarean Sections: Incidence and Consequences, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-09, Issue-4.
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