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تازہ ترین جلد

Objectives: To determine the frequency of COVID-19 related myths and beliefs and its associated factor among women attending gynae outdoor Methodology: This descriptive study was conducted at Sharif ... Read More

Objective: To compare the frequency of expulsion rate with intra-cesarean versus post-partum vaginal insertion of Copper T380A in females after delivery at term. Methodology: The study was conducted ... Read More

Objective: To report clinical features, obstetrical outcomes, and vertical transmission in pregnancies affected by COVID-19. Methodology: It was a multicenter observational study conducted at two ter ... Read More

Objective: To determine causes of severe maternal morbidity and its associated outcome. Methodology:This is a prospective cross sectional , Jinnah hospital Lahore from January 2019- December 2019.A t ... Read More

Objective: To determine the association of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women in the early second trimester diagnosed with hypertriglyceridemia. Methodology: This descriptive case series study was condu ... Read More

Objective: To determine whether administrating magnesium sulphate prophylactically routinely in all cases of severe preeclampsia was associated with reduced frequency of eclampsia in our unit and bett ... Read More

Objective: The study was done to determine the association of serum CA-125 levels with the severity of endometriosis according to the Revised ASRM scoring system. Methodology: It was cohort study of ... Read More

Objective: To determine whether laboratory tests can contribute to the definition of postpartum hemorrhage. Methodology: The study included 49 patients with postpartum haemorrhage above normal limits ... Read More

Objective: To determine the cause of obstetric hemorrhages associated with the occurrence of maternal deaths. Methodology: This is a descriptive cross-sectional retrospective study at the maternity u ... Read More

In the last few decades,there has been a lot of change globally to make societies equitable and fair.The progress worldwide has revealed that gaps of human rights based approaches towa ... Read More

Peritoneal loose bodies are rare lesions and are found incidentally during interventional procedures or on imaging studies for other reasons. These lesions often present a challenging diagnostic probl ... Read More

Incidence of pancreatitis in pregnancy is rare, ranging from 1:1000 to 1:10000.Very few case reports have presented pregnancy outcomes after pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure) in pregnancy fo ... Read More

Uterine torsion is a very unusual gynaecological and obstetric emergency defined as “Pathological rotation of the uterus of more than 45 degree along its long axis commonly at the cervico isthmic j ... Read More

Objective: To determining the diagnostic and surgical outcomes in the patients with gallstones treated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy techniques during pregnancy. Methodology: This descriptive cas ... Read More

Objective: To determine the influence of maternal obesity on labour induction among pregnant women at tertiary care Hospital Karachi. Methodology: This case series study was conducted at the Obstetr ... Read More

Objective: To determine the clinical presentation and management in patients with uterine fibroids. Methodology: This prospective observational study was conducted in gynae department of LUMHS from 2 ... Read More

Objective:To assess age at menopause and its association with socioeconomic determinants across the lifecycle. Methodology: In this cross-sectional study, two hundred and one post menopausal women we ... Read More

Objective: To assess the prevalence of anemia in Gutka addict pregnant women presented at gynae and obstetrics Out patients Department (OPD) Methodology: This was a cross sectional observational stud ... Read More

Objective: To determine the vitamin D3 deficiency among pregnant women and its correlation with neonatal vitamin D level in rural areas of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. Methodology: This cross-sectional ... Read More

Objective: To determine the common indications and histopathological analysis of hysterectomy specimens of the patients underwent hysterectomies. Methodology: This prospective study took place at Isr ... Read More

Objective: To assess safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of Hysterosalpingography in women with sub fertility Methodology: In this descriptive study 52 women with sub fertility were enrolled for ... Read More

Objective: To assess the induction of labour with prostaglandin with or without vaginal douching. Methodology: This randomized controlled trial study was conducted in the department of Obstetrics & G ... Read More

Objective: To analyzing the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards COVID-19 among pregnant patients coming to Lady Aitchison Hospital Lahore Methodology: This cross sectional survey carried out a ... Read More

Objective: To observe the effect of COVID-19 on 1st and 2nd trimester miscarriage and whether infection of spouse before pregnancy has any link to pregnancy outcome. Methodology: It was a comparative ... Read More

Objective: To assess the level of knowledge among gynecologists as regards to EDCs. Methodology: A cross sectional survey was designed to explore the knowledge of doctors practicing obstetrics and gy ... Read More

Objectives: To assess the safety of mode of anesthesia in high risk patients of pulmonary Hypertension in terms of morbidity and mortality, and to compare these observations with international studies ... Read More

Objectives: To compare the efficacy of misoprostol (PG E1 analog) and dinoprostone (PGE2) for induction of labor in prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM). Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial. P ... Read More

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) affects upto 15% of all cancer patients. Mortality is increased in patients who have coexisting VTE with metastatic malignant disease, making it the second leading cause o ... Read More

Objective: To determine the oral health status and knowledge of pregnant women attending antenatal clinics of Bilawal Medical College Hospital Kotri at LUMHS. Methodology: This cross-sectional study ... Read More

Objective: To assess the awareness, knowledge, and practices of Pakistani women towards Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises (PFMEs) during pregnancy. Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted i ... Read More

Objective: To determine the prevalence of various gynaecological problems among obese adolescents females. Methodology: This observational cross sectional study was conducted over five months startin ... Read More

Objective: To determine the link between high body mass index (BMI) and poor perinatal outcomes. Materials and methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in the department of 0bstetr ... Read More

Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety of Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) with dilatation and curettage (DNC) in the management of early pregnancy failures at tertiary care Hospital. Methodolog ... Read More

Objective:To determine the common organisms causing asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women attending antenatal clinic of Isra University Hospital Hyderabad. Methodology:This descriptive cross-sec ... Read More

Objective: To compare maternal and fetal outcomes between obese and non-obese pregnant women. Methodology: The case control study was conducted at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Azad Jammu ... Read More

Objectives: To determine the level of oxidative stress in preeclampsia by estimation of serum protein carbonyl content and antioxidants capacity in preeclampsia. Methodology: This comparative cross-s ... Read More

Objective:To contrast the mean duration of labor’s third stage with cord blood drainage in females undergoing normal vaginal delivery at term Methodology:This randomized control trial was held at Obs ... Read More

Objective:To compare intravenous oxytocin with vaginal prostaglandin E2 for labor induction in term prelabour rupture of membranes based on mean induction-delivery interval and risk of chorioamnioniti ... Read More

The Rh disease has a long history starting form HDFN in 1609 and resulting in availability of Anti D immunoglobulin in 1966. A French midwife, Louise Bourgeois worked at the roya ... Read More

Objective: To determine whether partogram is being used for each labouring woman and to assess the completeness & accuracy of filled partograms according to the modified WHO partograph standard for op ... Read More

Objective:To compare the efficiency of Foleys catheter and Prostaglandin E2 pessary with ProstaglandinE2 alone in induction of labour in primigravidas Methodology:It was a random ... Read More

Objective: To determine the effect of lifestyle interventions on mode of delivery in overweight pregnant women. Methodology: This descriptive case series study was performed at the Department of Obst ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of common histopathological findings among patients having endometrial thickness ≥ 5mm presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding. Methodology: A descriptive cros ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of urinary and fecal incontinence and observe the effects of mode of delivery and perineal injury at 6 weeks and 1 year postpartum. Methodology: This prospective ... Read More

Objective: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of sensitivity and specificity of the PI-UA and MCA in detecting IUGR by comparing it with the Birth weight. Methodology: This cross sectional study wa ... Read More

Objectives: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of dipstick urine analysis in single voided urine by using 24 hours collection as gold standard for diagnosis of proteinuria in patients with pregnancy ... Read More

Objectives: To determine the prevalence of primary postpartum haemorrhage, its associated risk factors, causes and maternal outcome in patients with primary postpartum haemorrhage. Methodology: The d ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of congenital malformation among females with pregnancy along with polyhydramnios from 28 – 37 weeks of gestational age. Methodology: This cross sectional study ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of placenta previa and its effects on maternal and fetal health at a tertiary care hospital. Methodology: This descriptive study was held at Lady Aitchison Hospi ... Read More

Objective:To compare the safety & efficacy of transdermal nitroglycerin with oral nifedipine in the inhibition of preterm labor. Methodology:The study was conducted in the department of Obstetrics & G ... Read More

Objective:To determine the diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal ultrasonography for endometrial carcinoma among women presented with menopausal bleeding. Methodology: This cross sectional study took p ... Read More

Objective: This study aims to determine the aetiology and maternal outcomes of Pregnancy-Related AKI. Methodology : This Prospective observational study was carried at CMH Kharian in the departmen ... Read More

Objective: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound BI-RADS classification in patients presented with breast lump by cytology as histopathology as “a benchmark”. Methodology: This cross-se ... Read More

Objectives: To determine the fetal out come in pre-eclamptic women with high serum uric acid levels. Methodology The descriptive, cross section study was conducted at obstetrics and gynaecology depar ... Read More

Objective: This study is a randomised control trial aimed at comparing bromcriptine and vitex agnus castus in terms of control of prolactin levels and incidence of side effects. Methodology: This r ... Read More

In the recent past, there has been a significant shift in the educational methodologies from conventional teaching and learning ideologies to the well-received student-centred integrated cur ... Read More