مقالے کی قسم

Objective: To determine whether administrating magnesium sulphate prophylactically routinely in all cases of severe preeclampsia was associated with reduced frequency of eclampsia in our unit and better maternal and fetal outcome. Methodology: It is a retrospective cohort study. The inclusion criteria were: Blood pressure >150/100 with positive protein>+3 with or without symptoms and blood pressure >140/90, with proteinuria with or without symptoms. The exclusion criteria were: Woman admitted with fits or had fits without receiving Mgso4.The study included 87 patients from October 2015 – October 2017. We included all patients who received Mgso4 before or after delivery for 24 hours. The loading dose of4gm was given intravenously and followed by 2gm per hour. Data collection from the medical record in the labour ward and operation theatre using a computer system. Simple excel sheet was used. The data was fed to SPSS version 23.0 and statistically analyzed. Results: The total number of patients studied was 87. The number of patients who had no fits were 82 and those have fitted were 5 who were excluded. No side effects of Mgso4 was seen as the blood levels were between 0.08-2.4mmols/L. Most of the patients had no complications due to Mgso4 and almost all babies except one was born with a good Apgar score. Conclusion: This study strengthened the observation that prophylactic use of Mgso4 can prevent not only eclampsia but a good maternal and fetal outcome.

Samina Anwar, Isra, Gulmeen Raza. (2020) Is the Prophylactic Use of Magnesium Sulphate in Pregnant Women with Severe Pre-Eclampsia Associated with Reduced Incidence of Eclampsia?, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-10, Issue-4.
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