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The referral is a process by which a health worker or provider transfers the responsibility of patients-care temporality or permanently to another health professional due to its inability to provide diagnostic and therapeutic intervention as it relates to health care needs of patient. 1 An effective patient referral system is integral component of an efficient healthcare delivery setting while promoting a functional relationship between all levels of health system. And ensuring that patients receive the best possible care at appropriate level. And those in need specialist services access them in timely way.2In an effort to provide available care to the majority of its citizens, the Government of Pakistan constructed primary health facilities in late 1970s and mid-1980s. Pakistan boasts an extensive infrastructure system of over 5000 Basic Health Units and over 650 Rural Health Centers in rural areas. Many of these facilities are currently deserted or have been put to other uses. Many more are in urgent need of repair.These primary healthcare facilities are supported by almost 700 public sector hospitals. Despite such an elaborate network primary health care activity have not brought any improvement. The reason for this failure is diverse and multi-faceted. Important among them is absence of properly functioning referral system.

Naila Israr. (2019) Referral System; A Need of Today, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-09, Issue-3.
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