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Objective: To determine the efficacy of Hyoscine butyl bromide versus drotaverine hydrochloride by measuring the time duration of active phase of first stage of labor among primiparous women. Methodology: This comparative study was performed at the Obstetrics & Gynecology Department, Lady Willingdon Hospital, Lahore with duration of 6 months from September 2017 to February 2018. All the primigravidae with 38-42 weeks of gestation age from LMP with singleton pregnancy and cephalic presentation as well as in first-stage’s active-phase >3cm dilatation were registered in the study. Patients were grouped into two categories. Group ‘A’ patients administered 10 mg I/v Hyoscine Butyl bromide at 3-4cm dilatation and doses were repeated consecutively after each hour to a maximum concentration of 3 doses, in terms of cervical dilatation. Group-B was directed 40mg of Drotaverine I/v at 3-4cm dilatation, repeated consecutively after 2 hours according to cervical dilatation to a maximum concentration of 3 injections. After every half hour, monitoring of uterine contractions, vital signs and fetal cardiac rate was performed. Labor progress was estimated by cervicogram. The primary-outcome i.e. course of time of active phase of labor’s first stage in both groups was documented in pre-intended proforma. Results: Overall 100 cases were enrolled (50 cases per group). Mean age of group A was 27.3+3.4 years and 25.7+2.8 years of group B. Mean durations for active-phase of labor’s first stage was lesser in Hyoscine Butyl bromide administered patients was less in contrast to drotaverine hydrochloride administrated patients as; 159.42+6.22 minutes in group “A” and 199.77+8.43 minutes in group B, which was statistically significant P-value of 0.008. Conclusion: It was concluded that both drugs showed good average of time duration of active phase of first stage labour among primiparous patients, while the Hyoscine Butyl Bromide is more effective in reduction of this time duration as compare to Drotaverine hydrochloride.

Mahham Janjua, Rabia Wajid, Shysta Shaukat, Aleena Sarwar. (2019) Efficacy of Hyoscine Butyl Bromide Versus Drotaverine Hydrochloride Among Primiparous Women, in term of Mean Duration of Active Phase of First Stage Labor, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-09, Issue-1.
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