مقالے کی قسم

44-year-old healthy woman presented with 2 weeks of lower abdominal pain. Vaginal and abdominal ultrasound revealed a well-circumscribed structure measuring approximately 8x5 cm with anechogenic inclusios. The tumour was considered to belong to the left ovary. The tumour had a solid centre with positive Doppler signal, circumscribed by cystically septate part. Due to consistent pain a laparoscopic examination of the pelvis which revealed a tumour originating from the lateral uterine wall, growing into the broad ligament towards the anterior abdominal wall. Tumour was grey white, firm and hydropically degenerated. The histology revealed a uterine leiomyoma with hydropic degeneration.

Marinsek Markovic K, Kenda Suster N, Velikonja M, Kristina Drusany Staric. (2018) Uterine Fibroid Tumour Mimicking Adnexal Mass, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-08, Issue-4.
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