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Objective: To determine the association of abnormal pap-smear results in women with the main triggering factors of their life. Methodology: Pap-smear test was performed in 160 female patients (20 to 65 years old). Transformation zone was the area of screening. Pathological examination of each sample was performed and a cytological report was prepared. Results: Total 31.25% (50) out of 160 patients were observed negative for cytology or for any inflammatory changes and remaining 68.75% (110) patients showed abnormal pap-smears. Out of all abnormal pap-smear cases, 60% (96) patients showed inflammatory changes and 8.75% (14) patients showed positive cytology for premalignant or malignant changes. Majority of the patients showing positive smear were 35 - 44 years old, highly sexually active (grand multiparous) and were belonging to lower socioeconomic status. Conclusion: It was concluded that grand multiparous and poor patients in between the age range of 35-44 years are at high risk to cervical cytology and they should make their regular medical check-up and papsmear test to live a risk-free life.

Umbreen Naz, Abid Rashid, Farhan Sarwar, Muhammad Mudassar Ashraf, Sarwat Ara, Ahsan Sarwar. (2017) Association of Age Groups, Parity and Socioeconomic Status with Abnormal Pap-Smear, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-07, Issue-4.
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