مقالے کی قسم

Teachers’ personal theories depends upon Teachers perceptions, their learned experiences and knowledge have an implicit or explicit impact on their learning. Researches on “personal practical theories (PPTs)” evidenced that these perceptions can have impact on their practices in classrooms. At present time students have more opportunities of learning than before. This research was mix method in nature and interviews and questionnaire were used for data collections to study the opinions and perceptions of teachers about themselves. The research was carried out to investigate the perceptions of prospective teachers of elementary level. Study found diverse opinions from the participants because they have their various personal practical theories and different sources played the role for development of these theories. The aim of this study was to aid teacher educators for improved understanding of the prospective teachers’ beliefs that these prospective teachers bring to their teacher education program. These beliefs may influence the knowledge and practice of prospective teachers.

Mubushira Khalid, Tanveer Iqbal, Aroona Hashmi. (2019) Content and Sources of Prospective Teachers’ Personal Practical Theories (PPTS) at University of Punjab, Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-29, Issue-2.
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