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The research was designed to explore the development of citizenship development at elementary level; to assess the effectiveness of citizenship program in education and to compare the development of ... Read More

Teachers often struggle with their negative emotions and attempt to regulate these emotions while disciplining their disruptive students. This study was designed to develop an understanding of the p ... Read More

This research aims to ascertain Learners’ Autonomy through Experiential Learning of elementary students at class 8 level in a role play activity conducted at a private sector English Medium School. ... Read More

Parental involvement is an integral part of students‟ school life. The concept of parental involvement emphasizes the parents‟ responsibility for helping and promoting students‟ success in school. T ... Read More

Teachers’ personal theories depends upon Teachers perceptions, their learned experiences and knowledge have an implicit or explicit impact on their learning. Researches on “personal practical theori ... Read More

Curriculum provides specific kinds of exposure to learners in a continuous process and determines learners‟ abilities. According to different educational policies, developing an integrated curriculum ... Read More

School heads use techniques of motivation for increasing the performance of teachers in teaching learning process. Head teachers encourage them to perform their duties devotedly by using different t ... Read More

Favoritism is the action of giving preference to one group or individual over others regardless of having same privileges. It is a common practice at most of the educational institutes. This study is ... Read More

Motivational techniques are effective in improving quality of education. The substantive purpose of the study was to identify the effect of motivational techniques used by elementary school head tea ... Read More

Alternative Learning Pathway program is started in seven districts of Baluchistan, UNICEF is funding and providing financial and technical support of under the umbrella of education department this ... Read More

Empowerment of parents and community members improves accountability and monitoring of schools. Nevertheless, accountability relationships need to be accurately defined for decentralization to impro ... Read More

The study was carried out to determine the effects of authoritative parenthood on the personality traits of elementary school children including all the five traits namely agreeableness, conscientio ... Read More

Teacher education plays a crucial role in preparing future teachers. The quality of teachers is directly linked with the quality of the pre-service teacher education and training. This study aimed t ... Read More

Evidences from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan show girls’ out-performance and boys’ under performance in school and colleges level examinations. Despite of girls' outstanding performance in school and c ... Read More

Comparison of collaborative and traditional teaching in enhancing mathematics students’ scores at 8th grade was the purpose of this study. It also investigated the transformation in the students’ be ... Read More

Mathematics is an important subject in general education. Mathematics develops students’ analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Children are sent to school in order to become useful members ... Read More

The area of dyspraxia received a little attention as compared to other learning disabilities. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to explore the level of awareness and understanding of teacher ... Read More

The study is conducted to understand the possible relationship of two dimensions of ethical climate vis-a-vis benevolent ethical climate and principle ethical climate with tacit knowledge sharing be ... Read More

Pakistan‟s education system suffers from enduring issues of inequality, access, enrollment, quality, and opportunity at every level. It is a problem which has garnered quite a lot of attention over ... Read More

UK aid is the leading agency that contributes the most in the education sector of Pakistan. Its Department for International Development (DFID) is a bilateral aid agency that invests the taxpayer mo ... Read More

Perceptions are the depiction of personal experiences and significant to explore. The insights of children regarding school, teacher and education require a keen investigation to improve the teachin ... Read More

The study aimed at exploring teacher educators’ beliefs about elementary school curriculum in Pakistan as teacher educators’ beliefs towards curriculum may influence teachers’ beliefs towards curric ... Read More

Every society develops the curriculum with the expectation to fulfill its needs. Peace is a need of every human society from the beginning. This research is conducted to analyze the readiness of Urd ... Read More