مقالے کی قسم

The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of three teaching methods on pre-school pupils’ learning achievement in some selected nursery and primary schools in Ondo West Local Government. Three public schools were randomly selected from Ondo West Local Government Area, for the study. 124 pupils were pre-tested in Protection issues being cognitive aspect of learning development. 35, 43, 46 pupils were respectively taught using play-way, demonstration and conventional methods and posttested. Questionnaires were also administered to their teachers to generate their characteristics and challenges to effective teaching. Furthermore, observation note was made by research assistants on the classroom situation and the entire process during pre-test and post-test. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to analyse mean differences in pupils’ scores while post-hoc analysis was conducted to determine the direction of the differences. Descriptive statistics namely frequency and percentages were employed to analyse pupils’ and teachers’ characteristics and challenges of teaching. The study found that pupils’ age range between 4 and 6 while all the eight teachers have NCE with 75% of them having over 11 years teaching experience and 50% majored in Pre-primary and Primary education. Pupils did significantly better in the post-test than the pre-test. No significant main effect of method was found yet pupils taught by demonstration method performed relatively better than play-way and conventional methods. Furthermore, the study found no significant main effect of gender and teaching methods on pupils’ achievement scores. However, girls performed relatively better than boys in the post-test. The study also found that pupils inattention particularly among boys, inadequate instructional materials, lack of uniform ECCD curriculum in use, insufficient learning space are major challenges facing effective teaching and learning. Based on the findings, it is recommended that teachers should be encouraged to use play-way method and other methods suitable for promoting learning at this level of education. In the same vein, teachers’ capacity need be built while relevant and adequate instructional materials, current ECCD curriculum and adequate space including pupils’ chairs and tables are provided to aid teaching and learning. Furthermore, more ECCD teachers need be recruited and inducted to de-congest overcrowded classes.

A.D. Shofoyeke. (2015) The Impact of Teaching Methods on Pre-Primary School Pupils’ Learning Achievement in Protection Issues in Selected Nursery and Primary Schools in Ondo West Local Government , Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-25, Issue-2.
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