مقالے کی قسم

The assessment of poverty in the multidimensional spectrum has become a growing concern of the developing world. This conceptual shifting encompasses the income denials to the lack of education, ill health, poor housing services and so on. In this methodological improvement, the achievement of education has been well accepted as key determinant of wellbeing. The present study aims to assess the educational deprivation and estimate the incidence of multidimensional poverty in Punjab. To carry out the primal objective of this research, the study estimated the contribution of lack of education in the incidence of multidimensional poverty in Punjab, including the both regions (urban & rural) and over the time, through the advanced method of identification of the poor in the multidimensional way out. The scheme of study so proposed is similar to the FGT class of poverty measures (FGT, 1984) but enlarged to some intuitive changes for accommodating the ordinal aspects of the attributes. To analyze the incidence of multidimensional poverty rather than income denials, three other dimensions (education, health, housing & services) were being considered on the basis of Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES) and Pakistan Social & Living Standard Measurement Survey (PSLM) datasets for the year 1998-99, 2001-02, 2004-05, 2005-06 & 2007-08. The overall educational deprivation of the multidimensional poor segment during 1998-99 was found to be 60.8 percent, which significantly increased to 83.4 percent in 2001-02 but decreased as 72.4 percent in 2004- 05 and again increased to 79.8 percent during 2005-06 along with little decline as 78.0 percent in 2007-08, whereas the incidence of multidimensional poverty during the same period was 48.6, 49.99, 40.80, 45.72 & 42.38 percent respectively over the time. Throughout the period under consideration educational deprivation as well as the incidence of multidimensional poverty was lowest in urban area. The present study highlights the role of education in alleviating the incidence of poverty while offering government some policy lessons for constructing Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP,s) rather than merely addressing the monetric phenomenon and achieving the core objective of millennium development goals.

Muhammad Imran Niazi, Atta Ullah Khan. (2011) The Impact of Education on Multidimensional Poverty across the regions in Punjab , Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-21, Issue-1.
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