مقالے کی قسم

Al-Burhan Fi Uloom-al-quran and Al-Itqan Fi Uloom-al-quran both books are related to elm quran and their author’s represent shafi school of thought. It is essential to know the methodology of these books to comparative study of them, they have common method in many subjects of these books but they have got different from each other in many chapters. This article is divided into three categories: (1) common aspects of the particular adopted method, (2) different aspects of particular adopted, (3) essence of article. Alama Zarkashi describes many topics briefly but Alama Sayoti elaborates them. They both commonly quote Quran and hadith reference per ferly. They are different in quoting other expertise views and their proves. The result of derivate by this article that Al-Itqan is better then Al-burhan because of some specific and beneficial way of describing precious topics.

Nazakat Ali, Muhammad Noman, Muhammad Zahid. (2020) Al Burhan Fi Uloom-Al-Quran & Al-Itqan Fi Uloom-Al-Quran: A Methodological And Comparative Study, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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