مقالے کی قسم

Hafiz Ibne Kathir (R.A….) was a scholar of the 8th century of Hijra. He had command over many sciences of the Islamic studies, like:Quran, Hadith, fiqh, Seerat and history. He was a prolific writer and left a number of books which are used in the Islamic world as reference books. He wrote an exegsis of the Holy Quran and named it; Tafseer-ul-Quran el Azeem (commonly known as Tafseer Ibne Kathir) One of his books; Al-Fusul Fi Ekhtisare Seerat Al-Rasool is one of his book about the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The book is spread over four hundred pages. The writer divided it into two sections. The first part contains discussions on the Seerat of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and the battles which he fought for the sake of Islam commonly known as Maghazi. The second part contains discussion on the lifestyle, habits and the reasons of the Prophethood. The unique style of Ibne Kathir, in this book is that the writer extracts jurisprudential aspect from the life of the Holy Prophet (SAW). The writer explains all these with the help of the Holy Quran and the authentic sources of Seerat. The writer has tried his level best to bring only authentic narrations. If the views of scholars are different about the date and location of any event, Ibne kathir himself do research and tried to prove certain facts in the light of logic. And many scholars admit his logic follow it. A few of the narrations coated by Ibne kathir are weak in a sense but they are very short in counting. Because of this style, many scholars have coated Ibne kathir in the field of Seerat. This research paper discusses the unique and scholarly style of Ibne kathir and also discusses the methodology of Ibne kathir adopted by him in his book.

Seerat Al-Rasool, Dr. Janas Khan. (2020) An Analytical View Of The Book: Al-Fusul Fi Seerat Al-Rasool By Hafiz Ibne Kathir (R.A), The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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