مقالے کی قسم

The land of Subcontinent is much fruitful for seekers of knowledge and literature. That's why we find great scholars here particularly the name of Allama Abdul Aziz Memon. He contributed a lot to the Arabic heritance. He edited a lot of manuscripts and changed the currents in Arabic literature. Through deep study of his great oeuvre, it appears to us that the method and style of Allama Memon was known for its characteristics. So, this article deals with the Scholarly and Literary oeuvre of our great writer, which is divided into three major parts.

Hafiz Muhammad Amin, Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad. (2020) The Scientific And Literary Contributions Of The Scholar Abd-Ul-Aziz Al-Maimani, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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