مقالے کی قسم

Hazrat Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattvi (R.A) is one of the most eminent scholars of twelfth century and he is enlisted among the most famous and renouned scholars and learned personalities who spent their whole life for the uplift of Deen. Hazrat Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattvi (R.A.) was not only a leading scholarly person but also a well versed penman as he became pioneer and led in the work of authorship and compilation of then time. He worked in this regard by writing many books of standardized piece of work in Sindhi, Persian and Arabic." بذل القوة فی حوادث سنی النبوة " (Bazillallqoowat fee Hawaadis Sini Alnaboowat) is one of his great achievements in penmanship which is written on Ethics. The author here has tried to present the way which was adopted by the Principal author in the aforementioned book. First of all, the brief introduction of Hazrat Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattvi (R.A.) is given following by the linguistic and lexical discussion on the name of the book. The author has tried his best in bringing the style of writing of the book before the readers in a very simplified understandable language and has tried to verify that the book was written in the light of Qur'an and Hadees. Above all, the contradiction among scholars between Hadees was resolved very well by the compiler. In the end, the marginal note is given where in the details of books is mentioned which were helping in writing this researched piece of work.

Sardar Ahmed, Syed Hayat Ullah, Khalil Ahmed, Aziz-ur-Rehman Saifee. (2020) The Style Of Makhdoom Mohammad Hashim Thathavi In His Book Bazlul Quwwah Fee Hawadis Sini Nubuwwah, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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