مقالے کی قسم

In this paper, we conduct sector-wise analysis, regarding debt maturity structures in various Shariah-compliant and conventional sectors of Pakistan. The objective of this research is to highlight the differences and similarities in the determinant variables of debt maturity structures and the managerial behaviour in decision making. To test our hypotheses this study uses regression fixed effect and random approaches by applying two models to explore two main objectives of the study, the determinants of debt maturity structure and managerial behaviour while deciding the debt maturity structure of various sectors. The findings demonstrate some differences and similarities in different determining variables of debt maturity structures in the Shariah-compliant and conventional sectors. We observed the difference in the managerial behaviour in deciding the debt maturity structure in the sectors consisting of Shariah-compliant and conventional firms. The results suggest that there exists self-interest factor in the managerial behaviour of most of the conventional sectors while deciding maturity of debt, whereas managerial behaviour is trustworthy in most of the Shariah-compliant sectors with some exceptions, thus proving the hypotheses of the study. This study may guide the investors, firms and policymakers while deciding fund management and can see the real picture of financial managers’ behaviour from a broader perspective. The stakeholders can also arbitrate the determinants of debt maturity structure in the various sectors and the behaviour of managers. Therefore, the stakeholders may act or decide for the business investment accordingly

Naveeda K. Katper, Azian Madun, Niaz Hussain. (2019) Sector-Wise Analysis For Debt Maturity Structures In Shariah-Compliant And Conventional Firms Of Pakistan, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-03, Issue-1.
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