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Religious Minorities’, their issues, problems and rights have been one of the most scorching issues in the human history. Especially, this issue has gotten more attraction and importance in contemporary socio-political global scenario. However, it is a fact that actually minorities are neglecting and overlooking in almost all countries of the Eastern and the Western world both. With sorry to say, Pakistan is also assumed one of them, minorities overlooking countries. In Pakistan minorities are facing some social, political and religious problems; especially the sociopolitical issues are most important at this time. Therefore, it’s dire need to pin point these issues and try to solve them. The Holy Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and his teachings is considered as road map to the minorities’ rights and solution of their issues. Historical, we glad to know that the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم took many steps to upgrade the status of minorities and to solve their issues at that time. In this scenario, historically Methāq-e-Madῑnah was the first document who owned the minorities and gave them their proper rights, respect and identity. This Charter presents certain principles and regulations that are the mandatory part of a peaceful living in a state and society. This pact is an excellent model of peace, diversity, freedom and minorities’ rights in the human history. Moreover, teachings of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم provides equal rights, religious autonomy and socio cultural freedom to minorities. In this study, efforts are made to point out the major social issues of religious minorities in Pakistan and try to provide their solution in the light of Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. The analytical research methodology was adopted with mix method approach in this study.

Riaz Ahmad Saeed, Sumayyah Rafique. (2019) Social Problems Of Minorities In Pakistan And Their Solution Review In The Light Of Sῑrah Of The Holy Prophet (Pbuh), The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-03, Issue-1.
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