مقالے کی قسم

Child labor has been considered the most troubling & one of the greatest problems of great concern in the modern world, since it has not only negative effects on the child himself, but also on his family & society in general. However, it is a reality that can commonly & frequently be observed in the emerging & backward nations now a day where expropriated & evicted people take their young ones to workplaces to compete with their livelihoods. This article seeks to highlight the status of child labor & its solution in the light of Qur᾽an & Sunnah as many experts and platforms have offered their own solution. The study population consisted of scholars &the teachers/A᾽ema Kerām of religious institutions (Madrasah) of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bannu, while its sample included 30 scholars & teachers/A᾽ema of different Madrasah in the Bannu District. The researcher has adopted content & methodologies of the interview from the respondents to explore this issue in detail. This study has the sole objective of: to find out solution of the Child Labour in the light of Holy Qur᾽an & Sunnah. This article summarizes the conclusion that holy religion of Muslims(Islam) strictly prohibit child labour, although allows child labour in some special cases, such as light work & character building activities which is not too much dangerous, harmful & unethical for the child’s social, moral, physical & emotional development. In the end, this article recommends the adoption of urgent practical measures at the individual, family & state levels to eliminate the abuse of child labour completely from the surface of earth permanently owing the great teachings of Islam.

Gulap Shahzada, sayyed Farooq Shah. (2019) Child Labour in the Light of Quran and Sunnah, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1.
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