آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

The Gulf Wars, fought in 1991 and 2003 respectively, are inter-related with each other. These wars reshaped and totally changed the Geo-Political structure of the Middle East. Apparently, the Geo-Poli ... Read More

Previous literature reveals diverse aspects of Balāghah (Arabic Rhetoric) and Majāz (figurative language) , but very scanty literature exists on the evolution of both Balāghah and Majāz in Arabic lang ... Read More

Divorce seems to be more socially accepted nowadays and it is the most won issue in the modern world. Divorce in the family always signals dangers and insecurity in the society. Findings have indicate ... Read More

Just as a man can resort to divorce when he does not love his wife, the Islamic Law (Sharīa‘h) gives the woman the right to end her marriage, if she does not love her husband. However, she will have t ... Read More

The paper discusses the rights and powers of men against their counterparts’ women in so many aspects of life, because it is the command of Almighty Allah, so the paper looks into some verses of the H ... Read More

The Arabic language is the language of the Holy Quran, which has become an immortal language because of the immortality of the Holy Quran as it says: "Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will ... Read More

Islam is a complete code of life. It is a legal system which fulfills the fundamental and natural rights of human beings. One of these rights is that no action will be taken against anybody if there i ... Read More

Swat valley with reference to its history is a famous region. Many civilizations originated in this land and that’s where they ended. Buddhism had a golden age in swat. Hinduism had also been in this ... Read More

This article is divided in to two sections: the first one; is to study of Ḥawāla according to Fiqhi rules, i. e. its definition, conditions, its qualities and its specifications. In the second part, Ḥ ... Read More

This article is divided in to two sections: the first one; is to study of Ḥawāla according to Fiqhi rules, i. e. its definition, conditions, its qualities and its specifications. In the second part, Ḥ ... Read More

Child labor has been considered the most troubling & one of the greatest problems of great concern in the modern world, since it has not only negative effects on the child himself, but also on his fam ... Read More

This research work investigated the interfaith harmony and social cohesion between two different religious followers of Hinduism and Islam in District Swat of Pakistan. The current world is facing var ... Read More

Purpose: This study empirically investigates the relation between education level and employees’ performance working in public sector universities from the viewpoint of Islamic religiosity when religi ... Read More

Valid interrogation of the accused is an art or skill in today’s modern world. The law and techniques of interrogation varies in the developed and developing world. Similarly, the Islamic law is not s ... Read More

The aim of this paper is to discuss some economic Islamic models given by some prestigious Islamic economists. The Islamic model is one of the examples for international economies in the starting of n ... Read More

Group Conformity and Individuals’ Behavior Towards Adopting Sectarian Identities ... Read More

Literature, among almost all nations, has always been a source of cultural unity & identity. It’s a deep rooted tree quenching the intellectual and cultural thirstiness. Arabic Language, of course des ... Read More

Paper currency has remained controversial since its advent, until the majority of the modern scholars agreed that paper currency is just like gold and silver, and all the rules and provisions regardin ... Read More

Islam is a religion of Nature that covers all aspects of life and guides human being to right path amid ups and downs in one’s life. But Human intellect and comprehension have limited capacities which ... Read More

Almighty Allah has stated the nature of man that everything He loves towards the one He loves is dear to Him. For this reason, in every age human being has been attached to the remains of his beloved ... Read More

No society is safe from crimes hence with the passage of time, crimes amplify along with alteration in its nature. As the approaches of investigation and finding the crime develop, the ratio of crimes ... Read More

This article investigates the notion of ta’zir (discretionary punishments in Islamic law) by comparing and contrasting it with the concept of hadd (fixed punishments in Islamic law) . Deterrence of cr ... Read More

All mighty Allah (SWT) has created man and made him crown of the nature. For the physical needs of human being, Allah provided him all the needful things. In the same way, Allah (SWT) sent his prophet ... Read More

With the start of the codification of Muslim Personal Law in the Muslim countries, the question of exclusion and deprivation of orphan grand-children of the deceased from heir ship has gained importan ... Read More