The present study was conducted to assess the yield losses caused by bacterial brlight of Rice
(Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryza) in Upper Dir a district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan
during cropping season 2013-2014. Four rice growing locations of district namely Barawal Bandi,
Satara, Maidan khwar and Thikar Kot were selected. In Upper Dir disease incidence (%) ranged
between 57.14%-75% while disease severity (%) was between 36.04 to 66.12%. Highest disease
incidence (75%) and disease severity (66.12%) was recorded from Barawal Bandi location whereas
lowest disease incidence and disease severity was recorded from Thikar kot. Similarly maximum
1000 grain weight losses was also recorded in Barawal Bandi while minimum 1000 grain weight loss
was recorded in Thikar kot. It can be concluded that Bacterial blight of rice was more severe in
Barawal location and less severe in Thikar kot.
Mehran Khan, Abdur Rafi, Aqleem Abbas, Tauheed Ali, Akhtar Hassan. (2015) ASSESSMENT OF YIELD LOSSESS CAUSED BY BACTERIAL BLIGHT OF RICE IN UPPER DIR, KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA PROVINCE, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology, Volume 3, Issue 2.
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