Wild plants developing in areas without the desire or wills of human and known as
weeds, that could be beneficial or not. The aim of the present study was to identify and
record the weed species grown in the agricultural land in the regions of Valley of Leeyh,
South of Taif area, which is located on the Eastern slopes of the Al-Sarawat Mountains
with an altitude of 1700 m from sea level. Different weed species has been collected,
processed by cleaning and identified from the surveyed area. The study was conducted
between 2016 and 2017. The results showed that Cherepodiaceae had the highest
number of weeds species followed by Uriticaceae and Malvaceae. The lowest weeds
species count recorded in Cappaeaceae followed by Chenopodiaceae and Aizoaceae.
The highest weeds count of agricultural crops recorded in Cucurbita pepo, Coriandrum
sativum and Petroselinum annum. The lowest weed in Taif agricultural fields recorded
in the Medicago sativa plantations followed by Capparis decidua and Zea mays.
Dominant weeds species include Urtica dloica, Malva perviflore, Chenopodium
valvaeia, Amaranthus vindi, Cynodon dactylon, Portulaca oleracea. This study has the
potential in developing the valley south of Taif area for agricultural purposes. The
findings of this study will be beneficial in suggesting suitable weed control
recommendation in agricultural crop land of Taif area.
Ali Majrashi, Tahir Dalorima, Khairil Mahmud, Mohammad Moneruzzaman. (2018) Weeds growth in valley of Leeyh, south of Taif area, Saudi Arabia, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology, Volume 6, Issue 4.
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