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تاریخِ قبولیت

Innovation improves exponentially consistently and turns out to be progressively mind boggling outside our ability to comprehend. Even without our realization, everything about ourselves can be found on the web from small everyday activities, for example, from our food inclinations to private issues, for example, personal saving records. To deal with these data, a man-made consciousness framework is required to defend, approve and even encourage our day to day assignments. Speculatively, these issues will prompt the formation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), machines that could effectively play out any intelligent assignment that a person can. Indeed, AI is deemed to be the focal segment to our futuristic social setup. As AI is perpetually advanced and getting enriched day by day, expecting a sight of completely automated android does not seem to be a distinctive prospect in developed urban communities. This is a typical scenario in sci-fi anecdotes and movies and is regularly talked about particularly in the west. Notwithstanding, this issue is seldom talked about from the Deen point of view. The paper has dialogued over its amalgamation with Deen’s Al-Tauhid concept. It is acknowledged that AI golem or robot is like a human being, yet it can never be a real human being. This is the time when the process of development and use of AI has not completed yet, Moslem researchers should begin negotiations and debates about the conduct of Moslems and their lifestyles as indicated by Al-Qurʼān, whereby complying to prospective futuristic improvements.

Asmat Naz, Saadia Irshad, Maria Shams Khakwani. (2021) Artificial Intelligence in Deen, Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research, Volume No. 22, 01.
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