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The current spirit in the field of sociolinguistics considers language as veryactive socializing agent which aims to transform identities and indoctrinate leaners through English language pedagogy in schools. Teaching English in postcolonial era serves certain agenda. Such agenda is encouraged in L2 context through elitist private education in Sindh Pakistan. The present study uses Fairclough’s (2003) modal of Critical Discourse Analysis to investigate the cultural messages encoded in Oxford English language textbooks at O’ level Sindh Pakistan produced by Oxford University Press. The analytical devices for the analysis of the text used in the study include Presupposition /Assumption /Implicature, Identity, Representation, comparison and contrast, Foregrounding, Inclusion, Exclusion, Difference, Prominence, and Universalization. The study found that English language textbooks at O’ level in Sindh present a western world to the L2 learners by dominantly exposing them to western culture including social practices, values and religion. The English language textbooks carryhidden agenda, that is, to westernize the learners and train them to accept western culture as acceptable norm while the negligence for learners’ indigenous culture, religion, and traditions.

Syed Waqar Ali Shah,, Habibullah Pathan. (2016) Representation of Western Culture in O’ level English Language Textbooks, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 18, Issue 1.
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