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Humans by birth are placed in either group of men or women according to their physical body traits. But, the post structural theorists like Deleuze and Guattari (1987) through the concept of becomin ... Read More

The paper, through a close analysis of the fictive characters of Changez and Chuck, reads together Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2007) and H. M. Naqvi’s Home Boy (2009) as pioneering ... Read More

The research aims at addressing the burning issue of journalism promoting particular political attitudes through author’s choice of particular attitudinal meanings; focusing on the portrayal of Paki ... Read More

Teaching writing through a process approach is considered as an effective approach, because it not only focuses on the writing steps, but it also focuses on the diversity learners bring in the class ... Read More

This research aims to know the perception of English language learners about the usage of English language learning motivational strategies. The study site of this descriptive and quantitative study ... Read More

Pakistan is a multilingual country and in a multilingual environment, the emergence of bi-multilingual practices such as Code switching (CS) and Translanguaging (TL) are natural and not something ne ... Read More

Language use in family domain depends upon prevalent patterns across threegenerations, gender status, education and residence of native speakers. They are also important indicators of language vitali ... Read More

Pakistani English (PakE) is a member of World Englishes (WE) family. Prior research findings investigating Pakistani English (PakE) have generally indicated that the variety has undergone substantia ... Read More

The study aims to examine the impact of academic and social anxiety on ESL learners’ performance. Anxiety is a major type of psychological behavior and emotional disorder. Presently cut-throat atmos ... Read More

Student voices are not given their due regard in higher education in Pakistan. This came as a common concern from the research student body of MS (Masters in Science) in a private university of Paki ... Read More