Terrorism has strong ef[ects on the behavior o[people and the main factor to disturb the social, political and economic life of the people. It also disturbs the overnment and their routine activities in the occupieJ region. Ajter 9/11 attacks Pakistan joined the block formed in the war against terrorism like the United States of America (USA) and their allies. Paki.stan gave much support to them against terrori.st and insurgent groups in Afghunistun. Theref!orc, Pukistun J!acccl ‹lij'ficulties anJ complexities, like death, destruction and other socio-political and economic impacts because oj! j!rontline ally in the anti-terrorist campaign. As per this research the many socio-political factors were the reasons it'hich caused occupied FATA and KP in unrest
situation. But the economic can.Yes like unemployment, poor economic conditions, class discrimination and underdevelopment were the main reasons which played role to strengthen terrorism in FATA and KP. Economic [actor is dependent cause of terrorism, it individually did not play its role while the other factors like political and socio-political j'actors provideJ sufficient environment to economically deprived community that’s why non- state armed actors have footing in the said region.
Musab Yousufi, Ghulam Mustafa. (2019) Economic Causes and Impacts of Terrorism after 9/11: A Case Study of FATA and Khyber Pakhtu, The Dialogue, Volume 14, Issue 4.
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