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Being a war ally, Pt-esident Musharraf had to conj'ront this situation of creating n discourse that would favor inevitable war within the boundaries of Pakistan. The propagation and projection of a s ... Read More

Nonverbal communication is synonymously known as sign language including all kinds oJ behaviors performed in the presence of others,’ consciously or unconsciously. This descriptive study aimed to inve ... Read More

This paper is a pilot study embodied with an objective to primarily examine and scrutinize the general perception held by novice teachers regarding mentoring being received in practicum. Opinions held ... Read More

It’s a general view that Information and Communication Technology is changing entire educational activities of teaching learning process in a dynamic way. Perhaps providing new paradigms to teachers ... Read More

Librar) plays a very significant role in the educational industry. It develops special information packages and provides direct access to print and non- print format.s, bibliographic indexes and abstr ... Read More

Pakistan was one of the most important colonies of the British Empire, which inherited more oj an organized and disciplined civil-military bureaucracy than the sea.doned, trained and experienced polit ... Read More

The study was conducted to explore the effectiveness o] Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) training program by Provincial In.stitute for Teacher Education (PITE) on the instruction performance ... Read More

In this study, different theoretical dimensions have been assessed regarding English language acquisition among school children at primary level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) as the research has ... Read More

This study examined the j!actors afj'ecting universiry teachers' time management skills in public sector universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The researcher used descriptive surve)› design in this stud ... Read More

The study is an attempt to explore the issue of ethnicism in Afghanistan with reference to Khaled Hosseini‘s (2003)The Kite Runner which is a rich source of the constructed ethnicism between a group o ... Read More

Dissertation writing is a process which has its own diction, structure and layout. The language in dissertations has to be in the cadre of academic English. The linguistic specifics of academic Engli. ... Read More

Linguistics deals with how language i.s acquired and sociocultural theory focuses on the role of society in language acquisition. Successful language acqui.sition is a product of living a linguistic s ... Read More

The study aimed to find the impact of awareness regarding prevalence of abusing child and its prevention among university students. Abusing children is an act of mistreatment by parents, guardian.s, o ... Read More

The pre.sent .stuJy aim.s to .see the Impact of internal en vironment of putt lic sector uitiversities on the students’ motivation in Khyber Pakhtunkli n'a. The target population of the study wa.s 400 ... Read More

This observational study aims to observe instructional strategies used by Government owned school teachers for developing reading and writing skills of English language at secondary level in Sou ... Read More

This .study was aimed to investigate that what echniques are being used in war/ conflict reporting by the warring parties to yield journalist to their policies in reporting confiicts in Pakistan. For ... Read More

The purpose of over the counter medications is the feature of a mounting progress towards medical self-care and has been an instrument to increase control over one’s health. Many studies demonstrate t ... Read More

South Asia has “Seven countries” (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Maldives). It is spread over a total area of more than four million square kilometers. Population o[South As ... Read More

Contemporai y Pakistan i novel in English has shown a marked shift in its concern since the end of the Cold War. Focusing on history and politics through the pri.em of the Cold War, it deals with the ... Read More

The study intends to identify the mediating role of financial health (FH) on the association of corporate governance ’s variables and value of firm. The data were taken from sixty textile firms listed ... Read More

The present investigation focused upon peer tutoring (PT) as a more practical solution to the living problems o] the Pakistani educational setup. PT program’s popularity lies in it.s more practical na ... Read More

In the education system of any country, child is the center of all activities. The prime responsibility of a District Officer (Education) is to facilitate all the .students in order to develop the pe ... Read More

The war on terror and military operation. greatly di. turbed the lives of people on one side but on the other side proved the great resilience of the nation in this perspective. The nation was never p ... Read More

Nuclear weapon.s issue of North Korea has become bitter pill to swallow for China rise. China is considered the biggest trading and strategic partner and supporter of North Korea, ow'ing to this, Chin ... Read More

Terrorism has strong ef[ects on the behavior o[people and the main factor to disturb the social, political and economic life of the people. It also disturbs the overnment and their routine activities ... Read More

This paper explores the precept of universal citizenship in Kamila Shamsie ’s debut novel, Burnt Shadows. She uses the notion of cosmopolitanism in her novel and blends together characters from divers ... Read More

This study has investigated the drivers of destructive fishing practices in inland rivers of district Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. Key informants interviews, focus group discus ... Read More

Main aim of this research article is to review the literature on factors that are responsible for truancy and truant behavior oJ students. Truancy is the unexcused absence of learner from school witho ... Read More

Shyness has been in focus of psychological research for many years. Mostly work has been done on adolescent shyness. This research has been conducted to identify and categorize .shy students and explo ... Read More

This study examined the theory of federalism as a cheme of government in different countries of the world. The foremost purpose of this effort is, however, was to anatomize federalism as perceived b ... Read More

The purpose of the research was to study the operational strategy oflnternational Donor Agencies in the promotion of Elementary Education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study was focused to identify the ... Read More

This study was conducted to (i) explore the relationship of Balanced Processing of Information (BPI) of head of departments with job sati.sfaction of university teachers, and (ii) find out the ... Read More

Open Data is collection of easily accessible data that is to be available for general use without any restrictions. ’Open Data is gaining momentum in literature and language for the purpose of researc ... Read More

A rapid growth of technology has brought tremendous development in every walk of life, and human beings have extracted comfort and ease %r themselves by adopting the technology. Mobile batiking is als ... Read More

The research paper explores the regional implications o[ the interaction between China and Iran. The [actor o[ U.S antagonism faced by Iran and China a.s ba.sis of the formation of their allia ... Read More

The purpose of this paper i.s to measure the impact of Green .supply chain management practices(GSCMP) on Economic Performance (EP), Environmental Performance (ENP)and Social Performance (SP)of ... Read More

The study focuses to see the perceptions of HODs, teachers, district Monitoring Officers, data collection monitoring assistants about the practical role of Independent Monitoring Unit IMU for improvin ... Read More

The issue o] work li]"e balance becomes more severe and is considered a women these in traditional societies. In such societies woman has the prime responsibility for smooth running of daily househol ... Read More

This article attempts the application of Edward Said's views in Orientalism (2003) to John Denham’s The Sophy.Theresearchers have applied only the relevant and some of the key a.ssumptions ... Read More

The push for women participation in corporate boards is gaining traction as it develops corporate governance, makes boards more focussed and organised and improves company’s performance.This trend of ... Read More

Emotions and organizations' are inseparable. Keeping in view this important perspective the study intends to inspect the impact of emotional labor strategies which are surface acting and deep acting ... Read More

This study investigates the patterns of repair in conversations between children with autism and their family members/speech therapists. This study, by keeping in view the characteristics of autism, ... Read More

The .study was aimed to find out the contribution of career choices, career information and one’s self knowledge (independent variables) in predicting career decision (dependent variable). The ... Read More

The core purpose of the current .study is to explore the relationships of transformational leadership and the job embeddedness through the potential mediation of employee empowerment. There are ... Read More

The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of organizational climate on occupational stress of teachers working in public sector universities. Statistical tool correlation and reg ... Read More

The present study investigated the effect of leadership styles on knowledge management. The population of the study consists of faculty and administrative staff of public sector universities of Khyb ... Read More

This study aims to identify the direct and indirect effect (via the mediation of self-efficacy) of social capital on to the EIs in the context of developing country of Pakistan. Data collection were d ... Read More

The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between moral identity and ethical leadership about leaders and managers in organizations. The study examined the responses of241 males ... Read More

This study aims to identify the direct and indirect effect (via the mediation of self-efficacy) of social capital on to the EIs in the context of developing country of Pakistan. Data collection were d ... Read More

Environmental friendly products and business processes are becoming very hot topic and it also becomes a priority to the Pakistan Government. It is very important especially for one of the developing ... Read More

Peace is a necessary and precondition for trade, sustained economic growth, and prosperity of a country. In return, economic stability and rising prosperity foster peace in the region.The main purpose ... Read More

The Global financial crisis of 2008 raised huge disturbance on the trend of individual employment as well as one’s psychological health around the globe. Pakistan is confronted with the challenges of ... Read More

The current research aims at exploring the status of Punjabi language in the province of Punjab. The Punjabi linguistic community has the largest population in the country with its majorityconcentrate ... Read More

Low levels of female participation in Pakistan have been widely debated among academics and policymakers. Using a formal mathematical investigation through the shift-share analysis and empirical inves ... Read More

Despite the extensive focus of microfinance institutions on microenterprise, the success is still limited. Most of the people become fail to get success in microenterprise. Based on this reason, micro ... Read More

This study explores the intensity and influence of macroeconomic variables on Pakistan stock market with monthly data analysis from 30 June 2011 to 30 June 2018. The findings from multiple regression ... Read More

The current research aims at analyzing the speech act of apology articulated by Pakistan English speakers in the theoretical framework of politeness given by Brown and Levinson (1987). Politeness theo ... Read More

The purpose of this research is that to examine the impact of perceived corruption on debt financing and ownership structure. The research comprises of listed companies in the Pakistan stock exchange, ... Read More

The politics of representation has changed with the end of colonization. In the past, black people were depicted with dehumanized features. For the black man there was only one destiny and that was to ... Read More

Students’ lack of participation in the classroom can be associated with gender disparities, which has remained the focus of researchers’ attention, especially in the field of education for long time. ... Read More

Pakistani banking industry is suffering from low performance due to ineffective internal audit practices. Due to low performance of banking industry, the economy of Pakistan is declining. As approxima ... Read More

In Pakistan secondary education is very important as it is a turning phase and students often choose their career for future. Training and development is vital for the success of any institution. The ... Read More

The purpose of this study is to test a model on self-regulation impairment as source of abusive supervision which leads to employee’s dominant behavioral outcomes such as turnover intentions, also to ... Read More

The study “Coverage of War on Terror: A Comparative Analysis of Pakistani, Indian and American Print Media” conducted to determine the comparative coverage and portrayal of War on Terror in Pakistan. ... Read More

The current survey research was conducted to identify and investigate the differences in theory and practices of capital budgeting decision (cost of equity capital approaches) in corporate sector of P ... Read More

Interfaith dialogue have become one of the most imperative and burning issues of the modern ages, especially, from Muslim and Christian perspectives. It is a recognized fact that Muslims have a long a ... Read More

The aim of the research study was to analyze the significance of career development program on employees’ retention and job satisfaction at telecom sector. A questionnaire consisting of close ended qu ... Read More

Geostrategic beauty attracts both the friends and foes. The former tend to cooperation, mutuality and symbiotic relationship, while the later bend to competition, rivalry and clandestine intrigues, ei ... Read More

This research work deals with the higher level methods of teaching i.e. meta-cognitive instruction and cooperative learning strategies which are very essential while teaching the students for their un ... Read More

The article presents an empirical support regarding the role of reading self-efficacy beliefs in three kinds of meta cognitive reading strategies (i.e., problem-solving, support, global) among Saudi P ... Read More

The study was designed to explore how well humor orientation and honesty contribute to leadership effectiveness. Five hundred teachers randomly selected from one hundred government colleges were taken ... Read More

Population size has been the topic of concern among social scientist but contemporary variation in the age and sex structure in the demography of various least develop countries increase this concern. ... Read More

Sino-US rivalry has grabbed the attention of world because of its uniqueness in nature. While studying this subject it can be true said that “everything is going to be changed, but the change cannot b ... Read More

Due to terrorism in the Karachi city, the academic literature and information media are full of the details of economic and social losses. This study aims to examine the causes of terrorism in Karachi ... Read More

Colonization, an evil in the name of good, is pregnant with meanings of human society both for the colonized and the colonizers. Although the colonizers tend to interpret colonization as the elevation ... Read More

Classroom is a provide platform for various learning activities where teachers spend considerable amount of time on students’ assessment. This signifies assessment practices and therefore, the study w ... Read More

The study attempted to analyze the current issues in secondary education in the context of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan. All the teachers and students at secondary level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ... Read More

Academic English has its own register in terms of its diction, structure and layout. This register is mandatory for writing dissertations, yet, academic English also entails specificity of written lan ... Read More

The study was conducted by evaluating the performance of Pakistan mutual funds. Mutual fund is an enterprise that puts resources into a differentiated arrangement of securities. Individuals who pay fo ... Read More

Theory of offensive realism propounded by John J. Mearsheimer deals with great powers’ behavior in international system. It argues that great powers fear one another and, therefore, struggle to augmen ... Read More

The present study attempts to investigate the term humanism in its denotative as well as connotative meanings. Derived from the Latin and Greek roots the term in the beginning was known with different ... Read More

China Pakistan Economic Corridor is term as potential game changer by policy makers and political analysts that will change the regional economic and strategic shape. It has great economic, strategic ... Read More

The so called “Arab Spring “has surprised the world, Middle East rulers and the scholars. The Arab people who were oppressed for decades have revolted against the authoritarian rulers and have overtur ... Read More