مقالے کی قسم

Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is life threatening fungal infection of central nervous system (CNS). Although it is commonly associated with immunosuppression but rarely it can occur in immune competent patient. We report a case of 21 year old non HIV infected girl. Based on initial diagnoses oftuberculosisBacillus meningitis (TBM), she was started on anti-tuberculosistreatment (ATT).However failure to respond to treatmentprompted a quest for alternative diagnosis. A final Diagnosis of CM was confirmed on latex agglutination antigen detection on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis.The patient responded well to antifungal treatment.Initially diagnosis was missed due to common occurrence of tuberculosis infection in Pakistan and resemblance of its symptomatology and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings with CNS cryptoccocal infection.

Dr. Saeed Arif,, Khushbakht Ghazanfar, , Waseem WaliMuhammad, Hamza Malik. (2015) J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2015;27(4)http://www.jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk942CASE REPORT, JOURNAL OF AYUB MEDICAL COLLEGE ABBOTTABAD, Volume 27, Issue 4.
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