آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

Literary magazines paly vital role for its publications and explations. The history of Literary magazines of Urdu is about 200year old, during this period there are many magazines were published in U ... Read More

Dr. Ilyas Ishqi was born in Jaipur, India, and migrated to Sindh, Pakistan after partition in 1947. He was greatly contributed to the literature of Persian, Punjabi, Urdu and Sindhi. With special focu ... Read More

Mewat (Rajisthan) is the home land of khanzada, Jado Rajputruled Mewat and it was remain a strong hold fort of these JaduRajputs (Khanazadas), A Member or these Jadu Rajput ruler family,Raja Sanpar p ... Read More

Maulana Zafar Ali Khan (January 17, 1874 to November 27, 1956)was a pensive poet, writer, literary commentator, translator, and journalist having a unique and notable standing in Urdu literature. This ... Read More

Dr Farman Fathepuri (1926-2013) , a prominent research Scholar and Urdu Prose Writer is very well known in all over the world, as a researcher, critic ,linguist and a teacher of Urdu. He dovoted his l ... Read More

Proverbs are found in almost every language and, as difined by Oxford Encyclpedic English Dictionary, a proverb is "a short pithy saying in general use, held held to embody a general truth". Hence, pr ... Read More