آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

Akbar Hameedi was imminent Urdu writer of his time. His prose and poetic writings were influencialand impressive. He had actively participated in National integrity, soliderity movements in Urdu lit ... Read More

Akhtar Sherani is one of the pioneers of modern Urdu literature and seemto be driven by all those trends and characteristics to some extent.Our modern literature has beco ... Read More

It provides a comparative analysis of“Farhang-e-Asfia” vs “Ameerullughat” and “Farhang-e-Asfia” and“Noorullughat”, its consequential findings and biblcism sources of information along with ... Read More

Allama Iqbal(9 November 1877 -21 April 1938) is a great thinker, intellectual and philosophical poet of the twentieth century. His thoughts and philosophy have equally been beneficial fo ... Read More

Iqbal's diary demands for deep study. Genius thoughts of Iqbal are hidden in this diary. After the study of this diary, the reader considers that Iqbal’s thoughts are very in ... Read More